Early Literacy and Numeracy
Early literacy and numeracy transform children into lifelong learners, improving their chances for higher education - a path out of poverty.
The Philippines ranks one of the lowest among Asian countries in Science and Math. Public school National Achievement Tests (NAT) mean scores are 20 points lower than expected levels.
We partner with Knowledge Channel Foundation to improve this. With multi-media learning tools, children can read, write, and do math better and faster. We train teachers so they can be more competent. The result is a 3-point increase in mean NAT scores, according to a University of the Philippines study.
Early Childhood Development Training
We help ensure Filipino children 0-4 years of age receive the proper care they need by training child development workers, teachers, barangay nutrition and health workers, and parents who share responsibility and care for young children in early childhood development.
Topics include: holistic early childhood development training, including early learning simulation, nutrition and health (including oral health), social protection, growth mindset, and strategies for early childhood teachers.
Global Grant Helps Enable Learning
Thank you for your support of the Rotary Foundation. We can help first-grade school children speak and read English better.
“Basa Bilang” Teacher Training
Together with the Knowledge Channel Foundation, we conduct a 3-day training session for teachers. They learn the use of new teaching pedagogies to help young learners read.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
— Nelson Mandela